Monday, February 23, 2009

Final Post From China

Ni Hao, Ya'll!

Well, we are leaving for the American Consulate in 45 minutes for Levi to take his oath as an American citizen!! Yeah!! Then, we will be whisked off to the airport to catch our flight to Beijing. We will spend one night in Beijing, get up on Wednesday morning and head back to the airport to catch our international flight to San Fransisco and then on to Dallas. We are VERY excited to be heading back home. It has been a very pleasant experience being in China and getting to know our new son. He is an absolute delight! BUT.....we are ready to come home. ha! 19 days is a long time to be away from our other two cutie pies and our family and friends. :)

So, this is the final blog from China. We'll see you all in the good old USA very soon.
Please keep us in your prayers as we make this long journey home with a 4 year old. :) We ask that you pray specifically for safety and for us to make our connecting flight from SF to Dallas.

I added some more pictures--some are old from when we were in Beijing the first time. I forgot to post for a couple of days but wanted to show your our Great Wall and snow experience. Too much fun.

The red couch picture is in Guangzhou inside The White Swan Hotel. It has become a tradition for all adoptive families to dress their children in Chinese silk outfits and take pictures on the red couch. Levi is sitting with his friend who will live in San Antonio, Texas. He is a sweet boy named Thomas. Best wishes to them on their travels and homecoming. :)

Love to you all.
dsi jeeyen (Good bye in Chinese)

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