Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 2 with Xiaolei

This morning we went to the Office of Civil Affairs to make the adoption final. Levi is officially ours!

Xiaolei made tremendous strides today--he took a nap after insisting that he didn't need one. Most importantly, he took a bath and let me dress him this morning and again before bedtime. He also is now taking off his shoes to sit on the bed. He even walked around in just socks tonight. Yesterday he absolutely refused to take off his shoes.

I am constantly amazed at the bravery of this little boy. He has not shed a tear yet--for what he left behind. He seems very comfortable and happy with us as his parents. We are enjoying a peaceful time of bonding. Tonight Rich, Levi, and I sat on the bed and played with his cars and bus. He was talking his little heart out trying to teach us how to play a game. We did our best but didn't understand much if any of what he was saying in Mandarin Chinese. :) He did not get frustrated with us--he just kept explaining it over and over again and laughed along the way. He told the guide that Ba-Ba is studying because Rich is always looking in his Chinese-English book for words and phrases. Levi laughs at his daddy and tries to help him learn some new Chinese words. He is so funny! He keeps us in stitches laughing all day long.

The driving in China is a little scary. The people are constantly honking at each other and driving in each other's lanes. They drive very close together and apparently pedestrians do not have the right-of-way here. ha!!

We tried some Chinese food today. It was very delicious. So far Rich and I have survived. Levi is eating every morsel put in front of him. He literally licks his plate clean. He doesn't talk when he eats--eating is very serious business. When he is finished eating, he is exceedingly happy! Boy do I relate to that! Again, another way he truly is our child! Ha!!:)

I posted a picture of him eating with his chopsticks. It is so cute. There is a picture of him taking his first bath tonight with his rubber duckies. He liked to put soap on the ducks and clean them.

If you were listening in to Beijing right now it would sound as if we were under attack---they have been shooting fireworks day and night for Chinese New Year. This is the last night they can shoot them off. It is soooooooo loud--at least we know Levi can sleep through thunderstorms now. HA! As I type, Levi is sound asleep in the bed. He went to bed without any problems tonight. He is such a sweet sweet child!!!

Gotta go get some sleep even if it is noisy outside our window with the fireworks.
Have a blessed day! God is so good!!!


  1. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What answers to prayer.

  2. Okay this is the second time I have tried to post, we will see if it works. I commented on your first day. I am so excited for you and your family. Levi is the cutest. I cannot wait to meet him. Have fun in China and I can't wait to hear more. I have been following even if my posts are not here. :) Congrats!!! Praying for you every night.

  3. Actually it is Rachel, instead Heather. This is my business google account.
