Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Name is L-E-V-I !!!

What a difference a couple of weeks makes! Today Theo forgot and called Levi by his Chinese name "Xiaolei". Well, Levi immediately corrected him and said "LEVI". He absolutely loves his new name and can even recognize it when it is written down. He goes around the house spelling "L-E-V-I". I am so thrilled he has accepted his name. This morning, he learned how to really color. Before he was just putting a few dots or stray marks on paper and then leaving the table and playing with something else. I took his left hand and showed him how to hold his paper in place. Then, I took his right hand and showed him how to color back and forth with the crayon or color-wonder marker. Now, he LOVES to color. He is coloring paper after paper while saying the word "color" over and over again. Too funny! He is such a fast learner! It is so exciting to see how much Levi is learning and how he enjoys the things we take for granted. He is a good example for Theo and Ruthie (and for all of us)to remember to appreciate all they(we)have. Well, yesterday was a "fun" day. (said sarcastically) ha! We ended up in the ER because Theo fell off his bike and really cut up his knee. It was a huge gash with skin tissue missing. Oh the blood! :) The cut required 8 stitches. YIKES!! He was a real trooper, though. I couldn't believe how brave he was. In fact, when I was trying to comfort him, he told me to not touch him. He is growing up way too fast. I have to remind him that he still needs his Mommy! :)We are thankful to God that the x-ray showed no broken or fractured bones. Ruthie and Levi were very good while waiting. Levi kept pointing to various people and saying "Doctor" or "Nurse". They all got a real kick out of him. I figured this was a great science lesson for Theo since he kept wanting to watch the doctor sew him up. He also got to help with the x-rays. He was so excited to have a picture of his bones taken! He even got to watch the doctor looking at the x-rays over the light. Theo was fascinated! Levi got a great vocabulary lesson--learning about visiting the doctor and getting shots. All in all, not such a bad experience. I am just glad Theo is okay. We are tired today and catching up around the house. It is a cold and rainy day, so we are just hanging out in the playroom coloring, playing with cars, and making ice cream from play-do. Ruthie and Levi have been playing "doctor" using their dolls and stuffed animals and doctor kit. It is so cute! The kids already miss being outside, but hot days will be here soon enough. :)

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